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More information to come!

Please keep checking back for for updated information.

If you are interested in teaching Rapier or Cut and Thurst classes,

please contact our deans (please email both), 

Dame Sibyl Sevenoke Email

Master Tomas Ordoñes Sandino de Triana  Email


Sir Guillaume, Master of Defense, Master of Laurel. Northshield.

I came from a competitive foil fencing background have been been teaching since age 16.  I began to learn again when I attended Tom Leoni's first sessions on Fabris. Included was a lesson in humility from Sir LOGOS


Master Giovanni di Fiamma, Trimaris.

Bill Ernoehazy (Master Giovanni di Fiamma, OL, OD) is an emergency medicine physician in St Augustine, Florida. When he's not in Trimaris, he speaks at SF and mystery writers' conventions, answers technical questions for SF and mystery writers doing background research, and writes on civic affairs, swordsmanship in genre fiction, whiskey, and other Cool Stuff as his attention... squirrel!. Following Steven Brust, he hopes to get some sleep Any Day Now. His favorite swordplay scene in a movie is from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the second fight between Yu Shu Lien and Jen Yu. Simply spectacular!


Warder Gwyneth verch Leuan, Midrealm.

Warder Gwynn's favorite swordplay movie scene is between Wesley and Inigo Montoya for all the references to period masters.  She's been fencing for 12 years and is conducting focused psychology research as it applies to lady fencers.

Master Lot Ramirez, Caid. OL, OD.

Lot Ramirez, aka Juceff ben Miguel, (OL, OoD) is a 'secret jew' from the early 16th C. Spain.  Under a hidden identity, he worked his way up to become the Captain of the good ship The White Star, a merchanteer vessel of La Famiglia di Cellini, and gain titles and wealth in the Kingdom of Caid. Originally from the Principality of Northshield, Lot remains fiercely loyal to both of his homelands.
Lot has been fencing since 1995, inside and outside the SCA, along the way he has had the opportunity to learn from many great teachers. In 2000, he dedicated himself to studying historical combat treatises under Gary Chelak (SCA: Maestro Giacomo Cavalli da Treviso), and is currently a principal instructor at the Tattershall School of Defense in Southern California as well as the Dean of his own school of SCA students, the Vineyard of Swords.


Master Cesar López de La Coruña

Bio coming soon!

Master Avery Shaw, Ansteorra.

Bio coming soon!

Master Terry Tindell, Midrealm.

Bio coming soon!

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