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Please keep checking back for for updated information.

If you are interested in teaching Armored classes,

please contact our dean, 

THL Aneira Applegate at

or fill out the form below.


Effortless Power Generation and Control by Count William of Fairhaven of Middle Kingdom

A class on how to create and deliver power at almost any level for any body size or type, male or female. How to control the power you deliver and how to NOT hurt yourself delivering blows at any force level. We will cover mechanics, injury, speed vs power, controlling the delivery of force. We will focus on body mechanics and how to stay injury free while still delivering good technique and power from all positions.

Train Like You Mean It (How to get the most out of your practice every time) by Count William of Fairhaven of Middle Kingdom

Want to turn your practice into the kind of practice that turns out tournament champion even if you are the top fighter? This class will cover how to develop fighting skills at every level and push the top fighters by creating bottom up skill/pressure at your practice. Structure, drills, timing, focus and some rules for setting the foundation of a practice so every single person attending comes away with tangible improvements. It is not too good to be true. I have a proven tested method for advancing fighting skill in groups. I will also cover drills and what they are for, how to use them and how NOT to use them. Want to get yourself and the rest of your crew better – this is the class for you.

Infighting - Mastering Close Combat Techniques by Count William of Fairhaven of Middle Kingdom

This class is all about fighting in close quarters at the “A+” range. Skills and techniques to help a fighter become dangerous when the range gets down to zero. How to practice proper blow placement and drills to help teach the fighter how to deliver good attacks with very little room or space to work. “Embrace the Grind” is the slogan for this class. Learn what to do when you are pressed and learn to how to press fight to round out your overall fighting skills.

Ground Fighting (It's not over if you lose your legs) by Count William of Fairhaven of Middle Kingdom

Losing your legs does not mean you’ve lost the fight. How to fight effectively and competitively from your knees. Developing proper sword shots from the ground and developing power from the ground are key skills most fighters never really learn. We will also cover taking legs and what to do with a downed opponent. We will pay special attention to technique and blow selection and how control an opponent on the ground to win a fight.

Ethics of Leadership and Fundamentals of Tactics by Sir Seto Gesshuko of Middle Kingdom

Within the context of our society, the army serves a particularly vital role that effects the kingdoms self and projected image. As the leadership of the army, the Red Company (Sergeants or line commanders) is largely responsible for carrying out that role with skill and honour. To better serve the Army as Companions of the (Order or leaders in the Army), we need a clear understanding not only of the charge we have been given but why it is important and how we can not just do things right, but how to do the right things.

Choosing Techniques & Strategies by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

This class teaches how to evaluate various factors when choosing fighting techniques and strategies,
providing a systematic approach towards building a fighting arsenal. It will also discuss strategies and
techniques that can be used against different strategies and weapons.
Class is taught unarmored. Bring your standard weapons, and any others you wish to discuss.

Power, Perception, Movement & Rhythmic Slow work by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

This class focuses on the techniques of movement.  It includes how to avoid over-commitment, how to close
distance, how to achieve lateral mobility, and how to transition between techniques and attacks.  I've added
the rhythmic slow work to this class, and that really strengthens the impact.  It's the basis for all of my slow-
work teaching.  The slow work leads into the perception aspects – how to recognize and exploit “tells”, how
to anticipate attacks, how to recognize openings and how to get into the “flow” of the fight.
The class is taught unarmored.  Students will need a sword, or something similar, and preferably a shield, or
something similar.  Neither need to be SCA legal (they can be cardboard or PVC, if desired).

Single Hip Techniques by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

The class teaches the Bellatrix Single-Hip Return which allows the fighter to use combinations with full-
force strikes moving from side-to- side on each count, instead of on every other count. Options and
complementary techniques will be included.
Armor is not required. Bring a sword and shield

Teardrop (Side) Return by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

The class teaches the Bellatrix Teardrop Return, which allows a fighter to use very rapid combinations of
full-force strikes on the same side. Options and complementary techniques will be included.
Armor is not required. Bring a sword and shield

Wraps by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

The class teaches the Bellatrix version of the &quot;wrap&quot;, which provides powerful wraps from various
angles, with bio-mechanical safety. Options and complementary techniques will be included.
Armor is not required. Bring a sword and shield.

Two-Sword by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

The class teaches the techniques and strategy of the Bellatrix system of fighting with the two-sword style
against different weapons.
Armor is not required. Bring two swords, and preferably a shield.

Great Weapons by Duke Paul of Bellatrix of An Tir

This is the class that I taught at the symposium in Calontir, a couple of years ago. It&#39;s a new version of the
class, and follows the CD that I have created on the subject. The focus of the class will be on the close-in
techniques against other great-weapons, and against sword &amp; shield, and indicates ways to modify these
techniques for different physical capabilities. It will also touch on fighting at medium and long range.
The class can be taught armored, unarmored, or with helms and gauntlets. Participation in the exercises will
vary, depending. Students must have a greatsword, long bastard sword, a pole weapon, or both. Gloves are
required, at a minimum. Some students should bring swords and shields for use in training.

Triads by Sir Refkell Melrakki Einarsson

The formation and use of a triad in melee combat.

Polearm by Duke Tom Tinntinnabulum

Mid to high level pole arm techniques for fight against sword and shields

Advanced variations of the flat snap by Duke Lars Wolfsblut

Add new, powerful angles and techniques for the first shot you ever learned.

Basic Pole arm by Sir Culann mac Cianain

Basic into to pole arm class

Pole arm vs. Shield by Sir Culann mac Cianain

Hands on techniques for pole arms to use against shields

Women Fighters by Duke Paul of Belatrix

I think it would be useful to have a class that advises women fighters as to what they need to be successful in techniques, training, tactics, equipment, and strengthening.  This would give them a base of information that would help them with decisions going forward. I would like the announcement to include the caveat that all of the techniques taught in my other classes were designed for use by women.

Smashmouth Polearm by Duke Palymar

How to beat Smashmouth Polearm by Duke Palymar

An Introduction to Twosword by Count Thorbrandr


Great Sword by Sir Rhys

Intermediate Twosword by Count Thorbrandr


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