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We will be having classes from 10AM until 6PM with an one hour lunch break at 12:00 on both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday Schedule



Saturday Schedule (Subject to change)


Train Like You Mean It (How to get the most out of your practice every time) by Count William of Fairhaven (2 Hours)

Choosing Techniques & Strategies by Duke Paul of Bellatrix (2 hours)

Smashmouth Polearm by Duke Palymar

Drills for when you can't be at practice by Sir James Applegate


How to beat Smashmouth Polearm by Duke Palymar

Reverse Engineering Shots by Sir James Applegate

12:00 Lunch Break


Ethics of Leadership and Fundamentals of Tactics by Sir Seto

Effortless Power Generation and Control by Count William of Fairhaven

Power, Perception, Movement & Rhythmic Slow work by Duke Paul of Bellatrix (2 Hours)

Movement using your center by Duke Brannos


Polearm by Duke Tom Tinntinnabulum

Control/Range/Tension by Duke Brannos


Training Lady Fighters—Same or Different? a panel discussion. By HE Sir Fern

Triads by Sir Refkell Melrakki Einarsson

Two-Sword by Duke Paul of Bellatrix

Boxing footwork by Duke Brannos


Sword training before Shieldwork. Teach the Fun Stuff First! By HE Sir Fern

Basic Pole Arm by HRHCullan

Throw the Center Line by Duke Brannos


Kinesthetic Awareness and Fighting by Duke Konrad

An Introduction to Twosword by Count Thorbrandr

Pole arm vs. Shield by HRH Cullan




Sunday Schedule (Subject to change)


Basic Sword and Shield by Duke Lars

Teardrop (Side) Return by Duke Paul of Bellatrix

Strength, Balance and Flexibilty, the 3 Pillars of Injury Prevention on the Field. By Mistress Irene von Schmetterling (2 hours)

Building the fight by Duke Brannos



Ground Fighting (It's not over if you lose your legs) by Count William of Fairhaven

Wraps by Duke Paul of Bellatrix

Training & Coaching Conversation by Duke Brannos


12:00 Lunch Break


Single Hip Techniques by Duke Paul of Bellatrix

Advanced Variations of a flat snap by Duke Lars

Introductory great sword by Duke Damien MacGavin


Infighting – Mastering Close Combat Techniques by Count William of Fairhaven

Great Weapons by Duke Paul of Bellatrix (2 hours)

Sword and Great Ax by His Majesty Yngvar


Spear by Duke Siegfried Von Kulmbach

Introductory great sword by Duke Damien MacGavin

Concussions! by Master Giovanni di Fiamma WITH Maestra Margalit Medicus (2 hour class)


Women Fighters by Duke Paul of Bellatrix.

Demystifying Footwork by Duke Lars

Great Sword by Count Rhys


Intermediate Twosword by Count Thorbrandr

Power Generation by Duke Siegfried Von Kulmbach

Building a Fight game by Duke Lars

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