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Ask the Knights Live! Hosted by Dutchess Mary of Carrigart

Zoom get together where unbelts and knights can get one on one time in breakout room to discuss any topics the unbelt is interested. 

Defining Range in Hardsuit –  by Duke Craven (Atenveldt)

A range process to mentally organize range and how to apply it to your training. This class fits beginners to coaches

So you want to be a Jedi? - by Matsunaga Kagetora-kakka (Calontir)

Mental preparedness for practice, tourney and melee. This will be treated as a 101 class aimed at new to intermediate level fighters with some advanced information for more seasoned fighters. 

Melee concepts – by Duke Lars (Northshield) 2 Hour class

Discussion on melee concepts and tactics. Discussion based presentation, Q/A to follow.  

Train Like You Mean It - How To Get Better At SCA Combat – by Count William of Fairhaven, KSCA OP Baron of the Court (Middle)

Want to turn your practice into the kind of practice that turns out tournament champions even if you are the top fighter? This class will cover how to develop fighting skills at every level and push the top fighters by creating bottom up skill/pressure at your practice. Structure, drills, timing, focus and some rules for setting the foundation of a practice so every single person attending comes away with tangible improvements. It is not too good to be true. I have a proven tested method for advancing fighting skill in groups. I will also cover drills and what they are for, how to use them and how NOT to use them. Want to get yourself and the rest of your crew better – this is the class for you.

Polearm- by Duke Tom Tinntinnabulum (Northshield)

Will go over various pole arm techniques and such 

Fast is fast. Smooth is faster.- by Sir Lothar Nachtshatten (Middle)

How to develop shot selection and accuracy. Instructor will be using a marked pell verbally describing technique with demonstration 

Short Fu - how to win as a shorter fighter- by Tanaka Raiko, Knight (East)

Short Fu is a style of martial arts thinking to help those who are height challenged succeed at their chosen martial art. The class will cover some of the following topics:  Footwork both offensive and defensive, controlling the distance, Use what your opponent gives you, KNOW YOUR RANGE,  dominate the vertical fight, Planning your attack, Reading your opponent and their equipment...and many more.

Basic Sword and Shield- by Duke Cuan McDaig, KSCA, OP (Atlantia)

The first thing a fighter fights is their own equipment. We will discuss offensive and defensive choices, including but not limited to shield size, shape, weight and hang, and sword construction choices. Regional and style variations will be considered. Next we will move to basic offense and defense, including footwork and a deep dive into the flat snap to offside combination.Time permitting, we will discuss variants on these essential basics. Questions will be entertained as we conclude each subject. Whenever I want to jump start my fighting, I go back to basics. This class isn’t just for beginners.

Returning to the field- By Baron Robert the Stout of Jararvellir (Northshield)

This class will focus on how I returned to fighting after a serious injury. How to keep interested in fighting when you can't. How I adjusted to my new normal.

Beyond Technique: Facing Your Greatest Opponent- by Sir James Applegate and THL Gautier de Franqueuille (Northshield)

A class for novices and intermediate combatants. This class is a open discussion and sharing about how we hold ourselves back. In this class you will learn how our ego, desire, and limiting beliefs negatively affects your ability to stay fully engaged in combat and can quickly stall your ability to learn, adapt, and relax when it matters most. Beyond technique is about looking past the mechanics of the fight and diving deeper into how to grow as fighter and start seeing what you may have been missing before. The start of this begins with a deeper look at yourself and the continual practice this entails. I will be sharing many of my struggles and what I learned along the way, as well as important details I missed before. I encourage anyone willing to share theirs as much as they are comfortable.

Fighting Lefties; Tips, Tricks, and Sinister Secrets 1 - by Graf Heinrich Von Swartzenberg (West)

Depending on experience level of attendees, this will range from basics and how to get started as a Lefty Fighter/Fighting Lefties or delve deeper into the tips, tricks, and secrets of Left-Handed fighters. The focus is Heavy/Armored combat but often things can carry over to Rapier/Cut&Thrust

How to teach new fighters the basics - by Baron Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine (Northshield)

This class will show how to teach new fighters the basic stances, forms, shots and blocking techniques. This will give a solid base for future instruction from any fighter and any weapons style that they wish to use.

Fighting like Lomachenko, Eastern European Boxing (Room 3) by Duke Brannos O'Iongardail (Middle)

Discussion about Vasyl Lomachenko one of the best boxers in the world and what he does that applies to SCA fighting. Review and discussion on techniques that Vasyl Lomachenko and other Eastern European boxers use to defeat their opponents and how they work.

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