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Here is the schedule for Youth Boffer Combat at this year's Spring Coronation and Jararvellir 50ish Anniversary:


After Court/Before Lunch - Authorizations and Pick Ups If you are interested in an authorization, please contact the Marshal In Charge via Facebook or email at

1:00 - Bear Pit A standard bear pit - victor holds the field until they are defeated - with various options depending on turnout.


2:00 - Hunger Games Melee A kids version of the classic tavern brawl melee. Kids will start in the middle of the field with weapons scattered around the edge of the field. At the cry of "Lay on!", combatants will seek out weapons and then engage. When someone is killed, they have to drop their weapon and someone else can pick it up.


2:30 - Kittens and Lava - Fundraiser The ever popular Kittens and Lava, with an added twist - participants can sign up sponsors who can choose to donate based on the combatant's success (with the option of setting a maximum donation) or a flat amount, as desired. For further information on this scenario and how the fundraiser will work, along with a sign up sheet for sponsors, please see

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